Sunday, 23 September 2012

A new step: Facebook Page

 Hello there! So, as I saw that you became interested in my blog, I thought that it will be a nice idea to create a Facebook page for This Is What I Call Fashion! It will help me to keep in touch with my followers! Also, you will discover first my new posts, as I will update periodically and will add new posts.
I decided to keep the same design, just to be easier recognizable. Hope you are going to like it and follow me as soon as you can!

Here you can see the preview . Click it to open my Facebook page!

That's all for today, I will post something new as soon as I can! Have a nice day!


  1. facebook page is always a good idea! We also have one! XO

  2. brava!!dovrei farlo anche io...prima o poi!

  3. Really great idea to create a Facebook page)

  4. Здорово! Уже поставили лайк)

  5. Well, I certanly do think you have enough followers to make a FB page work! :)

    Follow the Royal Peach

  6. it is a step to the right direction!

  7. Hello there! So, as I saw that you became interested in my blog, I thought that it will be a nice idea to create a Facebook page for This Is What I Call Fashion! It will help me to keep in touch with my followers! Also, you will discover first my new posts, as I will update periodically and will add new posts. winter shawls , shawls uk , dressy shawls , mens shawls , shawls manufacturers , fur shawl , cashmere shawl , wedding shawl , black shawl , white shawl
